Open Source Windows Device Driver Backup Tool
I just came across a pretty sweet windows device driver backup tool… and it is free!
I just came across a pretty sweet windows device driver backup tool… and it is free!
I just tried out Windows 7 USB/DVD Download Tool and it worked really well! Details: The Windows 7 USB/DVD Download tool allows you to create a copy of your Windows 7 ISO file on a USB flash drive or a…
Hardening your Windows Bitnami WampStack WordPress Install: By default apache runs under an account with read/write to your entire machine, let’s fix that! CREATING USERS 1. Create two new local users named apache and filezilla. 2. Add filezilla to the…
Here’s how to make a pre tag wrap and have a nice grey background: pre {font-family: consolas, courier, monospace; font-size: 8pt; background:#cccccc; white-space: pre-wrap; /* css-3 */ white-space: -moz-pre-wrap; /* Mozilla, since 1999 */ white-space: -pre-wrap; /* Opera 4-6 */…
Receiving an error like this? WP Super Cache Manager Error: Your cache directory (C:\Program Files\BitNami WAMPStack\apps\wordpress\htdocs/wp-content/cache/) or C:\Program Files\BitNami WAMPStack\apps\wordpress\htdocs/wp-content need to be writable for this plugin to work. Double-check it. Cannot continue… fix previous problems To Fix: 1. Click…
To restart a machine remotely use the following (from command prompt): shutdown /m \\computer -f -r -t 1 To restart if you are already RDP’d in to the machine (from command prompt): shutdown /f /r /t 1
Add the following lines to your httpd.conf: SSLProtocol ALL -SSLv2 SSLCipherSuite HIGH:!SSLv2:!ADH:!aNULL:!eNULL:!NULL To Test the Fix (replace with whatever ip you need to test on): openssl s_client -port 443 -host “” -ssl2
(I received an email correspondance of this story and it was too good to stay as “chain mail”, I am not the author of it, i’m just sharing it for everyone) -Braker Something really cute happened in downtown San Antonio…
TrueCrypt is by far my favorite hard disk encryption program. It works on Windows, Mac, Linux, etc. and is open source. Main Features: Creates a virtual encrypted disk within a file and mounts it as a real disk. Encrypts an entire…
Instantshot is by far my favorite screen capture program for the Mac. It sits in your toolbar and you can have captures auto-save to the folder of your choice (I generally have them save to my dropbox so the screenshots…