Month April 2011

update windows hosts file via .bat

This is how you update windows hosts file via .bat replace localhost with the host entry you need @echo off REM Creating a Newline variable (the two blank lines are required!) set NLM=^ set NL=^^^%NLM%%NLM%^%NLM%%NLM% ECHO. >> “%systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts” findstr…

oracle password expiration help

I’m using Oracle 11g and was really confused on how the password expiration date was set (default values). To retrieve the default password expiration values set for all new users run this query: select LIMIT, RESOURCE_NAME from dba_profiles where RESOURCE_NAME…

checkpoint vpn tunneling greyed out

checkpoint vpn tunneling greyed out Instructions on howto fix checkpoint vpn tunneling greyed out with checkpoint endpoint connect vpn client 1) Shutdown the R75 CPES Client 2) Stop the “Check Point Endpoint Security” service 3) Edit c:\program files (x86)\checkpoint\endpoint connect\trac.defaults…

howto visualsvn load dump file

howto visualsvn load dump file This article assumes you have already dumped your repository and are looking to import it in to VisualSVN Path to Visual SVN – D:\Program Files (x86)\VisualSVN Server\bin> Path to Repositories – D:\repositories Dump file: d:\repositories\examplerepo.dump…