Month April 2012

cheap linux hosting coupon

Brakertech has come across some pretty sweet coupons.   Hostgator is a wonderful alternative to godaddy To Save twenty five percent off your hosting signup, use code: BRAKERTECH25OFF cheap linux hosting coupon

detect flashback mac

F-Secure  has created a free tool that automates the detection and removal of the widespread Flashback Mac OS X malware. How to use the tools: 1) Download to the Mac machine you want to scan. 2) Double-click the zip package to unzip it in the…

detect mac flashback

to detect the mac flashback virus (courtesy of How does it work? The Flashback malware injects code into applications (specifically Web browsers) that will be executed when they run, and which then send screenshots and other personal information to…

best free antivirus windows

looking for the best free antivirus windows? Regarding free antivirus I would check out Avira AntiVir Personal or Avast antivirus. Stroll on over to to check out the anti-malware. You should also get these: To see…

copy teamsite user

To copy teamsite user permissions i’ve written a python script. You’ll need to replace the path with the path of your teamsite’s bin directory: #!/usr/bin/python #Script Name: #Use: . -s (source_user) -d (destination_user) #Note: the bin bath of teamsite…