Script Details
This is example will show you how to disable folks that have a password older than x number of days AND / OR have not logged in for X number of days
- ActiveRoles Management Shell (free)
- Powershell
- Server 2003 or Higher
- Domain Controller
Example Script
Filename: C:\1audit\scripts\disable_accounts_password_age_greater_91_days.ps1
Description: (Disable users that have a password older than 91 days and have not logged in for at least 89 days)
Add-PSSnapin Quest.ActiveRoles.ADManagement # Free to download # # Original Script by Sean Kearney # # # List all users in that have not logged on within # XXX days in "Active Directory" # # AND password has not been changed for # # Get the Current Date $COMPAREDATE=GET-DATE # # Number of Days to check back (user must not have logged in for this many days) $NumberDays=89 # #Password Age (password must at least this many days old) $PasswordAgeDays=91 # # Organizational Unit to search $OU='Contoso.local/Business/Users' # # Find users in OU above that are not disabled, password has not changed for # of days specified GET-QADUSER -SizeLimit 0 -Disabled:$False –PasswordNotChangedFor $PasswordAgeDays -SearchRoot $OU | #And user has not logged in for at least # of days specified where { $_.lastlogontimestamp -le (get-date).adddays(-$NumberDays) } | #Optionally Exclude a specific OU from Search Where {$_.ParentContainer -notmatch "$OU='Contoso.local/Business/Users/Utility"} | #Uncomment This to acutally disable user DISABLE-QADUSER | select Name, ParentContainer, Department, Office, Description, LastLogonTimeStamp, LastLogon, AccountIsDisabled, PasswordExpires, PasswordLastSet, PasswordNeverExpires | Export-Csv disable_accounts_password_age_greater_91_days_$date.csv -noTypeInformation # # Add in a | DISABLE-QADUSER to AUTOMATICALLY Disable those accounts. # Line should read like this if you want to do that # GET-QADUSER -SearchRoot $OU | where { $_.lastlogontimestamp -le (get-date).adddays(-$NumberDays) } | DISABLE-QADUSER
Create a batch file to run this script
Filename: disable_accounts_password_age_greater_91_days.bat
C:\WINDOWS\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit -command C:\1audit\scripts\disable_accounts_password_age_greater_91_days.ps1