Category Linux

install mono redhat

Create a new repo config file cd vi mono.repo Add the following lines to the file [Mono] name=Mono Stack (RHEL_5) type=rpm-md baseurl= gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=repodata/repomd.xml.key enabled=1 Update the yum cache to be on the safe side yum clean all Install…

jenkins active directory project matrix

jenkins active directory project matrix

jenkins active directory project matrix Here’s a howto guide on a Redhat Box using Active Directory Authentication: This example uses the following… AD Servername User used to search AD CN=jenkins,OU=Utility,OU=foo_Internal,OU=All_Users,DC=foo,DC=com OU that contains users that will access jenkins OU=foo_Internal,OU=All_Users,DC=foo,DC=com…

centos iptables howto

centos iptables howto Copy live iptables configuration to iptables.old in user’s home directory: # cp /etc/sysconfig/iptables ~ Modify live iptables configuration: # nano -w /etc/sysconfig/iptables Restart iptables: #service iptables restart

setup vnc-server on ubuntu 8.04

Objective: To have vncserver setup with gdm on the host so that a remote vnc connection to it will be greeted with a gdm login screen for the user to login. Clarification of terms used: Host – refers to the…