Category Linux

Parallel Gzip

Lzop use to be my favorite fast compression program. That is until I learned about parallels gzip (pigz) Compress a Folder # compress a folder called “myfolder” at maximum compression using six threads tar cf – myfolder | pigz -9…

Graylog 2.4.6 manual index backup and restore

When you do not have enterprise support closing and opening elastic search indexes can break stuff in Graylog 2.4.6. Elastic Search Indexes Close/Open The official documentation for Elasticsearch 2.4.6 closing and opening an index can be found here: curl…

tmux horizontal window splitting

To split terminal in to four horizontal tmux windows you can run the following code: #!/bin/bash tmux new-window -a -n WinSplit tmux new-session -d -s WinSplit tmux selectp -t WinSplit tmux split-window -v tmux set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg blue tmux split-window…