Category Linux

Apache Active Directory Authentication howto

Apache Active Directory Authentication howto Modules Needed mod_authz_ldap Install mod_authz_ldap yum install mod_authz_ldap Verify Apache Config has Needed Modules LoadModule auth_basic_module modules LoadModule authz_host_module modules LoadModule authz_user_module modules LoadModule authz_owner_module modules LoadModule authz_groupfile_module modules LoadModule authz_dbm_module modules LoadModule authz_default_module modules…

nginx logrotate script

nginx logrotate script Create a new file at with contents: { daily missingok rotate 52 compress delaycompress notifempty create 640 root adm sharedscripts postrotate [ ! -f ] || kill -USR1 `cat ` endscript } Run Logrotate…

nginx ssl pfx

This article will explain what to do with nginx ssl pfx. First get the pfx file to your server. In this example we will be using a directory called “ssl” off of the nginx root (where nginx.conf is located). From…

centos redhat change timezone

How do I change my system timezone from the command line without using redhat-config-date? centos redhat change timezone In order to change the timezone of your system you will need to access the file /etc/sysconfig/clock directly: #ZONE=”America/New_York” ZONE=”GMT” UTC=false ARC=false Note: If your…