Cortex init.d Script Failure on Centos7
If you install Cortex from Yum on Centos7 you will most likely receive this error: : line 26: : No such file or directory This is the fix: perl -pi -e ‘s|. |[ -r ] && . |g’ …
If you install Cortex from Yum on Centos7 you will most likely receive this error: : line 26: : No such file or directory This is the fix: perl -pi -e ‘s|. |[ -r ] && . |g’ …
Instead of using wireshark on Linux to capture traffic try ngrep # sudo ngrep -d <interface> ‘<search string>’ ‘port 514’ source:
here’s a nohup example: nohup nice -n -19 /bin/bash all_countries.txt 2>&1 > </dev/null & nohup is a POSIX command to ignore the HUP (hangup) signal. The HUP signal is, by convention, the way a terminal warns dependent processes of…
To use Apache ProxyPass directives with dynamic hostnames you will need to also use ModRewrite. Objective All requests to the virtualhost will ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse (also known as an “Apache Gateway”) to the %{HTTP_HOST} The only reason this would make…
Problem When running curl you get this response: curl: (35) error:14077458:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:reason(1112) Solution curl -ssl3
Here’s a handy alias for shredding files on CentOS alias shred=’shred -v -n 1 -z -u’
alias chkconfig=”chkconfig | perl -pe ‘use Term::ANSIColor; s/\bon\b/color(\”green\”).on.color(\”reset\”)/ige;'” or to permit passing an agrument: function chkconfig(){ /sbin/chkconfig $* | perl -pe ‘use Term::ANSIColor; s/\bon\b/color(“green”).on.color(“reset”)/ige;’ }
nano syntax highlighting This article describes how to get syntax highlighting in the command line emacs editor “nano“ Ubuntu zcat > ~/.nanorc sed -i ‘s|# include|include|g’ ~/.nanorc Centos/Redhat cp ~/.nanorc sed -i ‘s|# include|include|g’ ~/.nanorc
Installation Modify ~/.bashrc and append this line PS1=”\n\[\e[32;1m\][\[\e[37;1m\]\u@\h:\[\e[37;1m\]\w\[\e[32;1m\]]\\$ \[\e[0m\]” My Bash Prompt To replace yours in one command with this one sed -i ‘s~PS1.*~PS1=”\\n\\[\\e[32;1m\\][\\[\\e[37;1m\\]\\u@\\h:\\[\\e[37;1m\\]\\w\\[\\e[32;1m\\]]\\\\$ \\[\\e[0m\\]”~g’ ~/.bashrc
To setup email on Centos 6 run these commands yum -y install sendmail mailutils chkconfig –levels 235 sendmail on service sendmail restart To send a test email echo “test message” | mail -s “test subject” [email protected] Hosts File Modify your…