Category O/S

visio error 106

If you are receiving this error: Microsoft Office Visio “An error (106) occurred during the action Check Out File.  Bad disk failure.”  OK.   The issue is that you are trying to save to a folder you don’t have rights…

cURL Examples

Great examples of how to use cURL from  1. Download a Single File The following command will get the content of the URL and display it in the STDOUT (i.e on your terminal). $ curl To store the output…

One Liners

Linux and Bash One Liners Command Line Fu – Top One Liners [rssinpage rssfeed=’’ rssitems=’20’ rsstarget=’_blank’] Bash one Liners [rssinpage rssfeed=’’ rssitems=’20’ rsstarget=’_blank’]

sh: rsync: not found

This message means rsync is not in the $PATH of the remote user on the remote system. $ rsync -av –progress Solaris_8_2004-02/ [email protected]:/export/install/OS sh: rsync: not found rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream…