Category O/S

install ant centos

To install Apache Ant on Cent-OS follow these steps: # yum install ant # yum install xml-commons-apis You should see something like this: # ant -version Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on January 6 2007 Here is a good tutorial…

howto move mysql freebsd without dump

to move mysql on freebsd without using a dump file follow these steps: stop mysql copy /var/db/mysql to its new location chown -R mysql:mysql modify and add line mysql_dbdir=”“ modify and change mysql_dbdir=”/var/db/mysql” to the new location of…

Mac svn finder

Here’s a tool that integrates svn in to your finder SCPlugin allows access to Subversion commands from the Mac OS X Finder   Below are some screen captures of the SCPlugin code. Click any image for a full-size version.…

Install OSSEC local on Ubuntu

  Download files wget wget Check the MD5 or SAH1 to make sure they are legit (Don’t skip!!) md5sum ossec-hids-latest.tar.gz cat ossec-hids-latest_sum.txt Extract the files from the tar tar zxvf ossec-hids-latest.tar.gz Cd into the directory and run the…