Category Windows

Active Directory Password Expiration Date

To find out the password expiration date for an Active Directory user you must first determine your domain’s password expiration policy and then when the password was last set. Find your Domain Password Expiration Policy import-module activedirectory Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy Property MaxPasswordAge…

backup perfmon counters

How to backup your perfmon counters The easiest way to backup your perfmon counters is to use the lodctr tool Lodctr Registers new Performance counter names and Explain text for a service or device driver, and saves and restores counter…

Howto Convert a ESXv5 to ESXv4 VM

Howto Convert a ESXv5 to ESXv4 VM This details the steps needed to convert a machine from ESXv5 to ESXv4 Convert OVA to VMX On ESXv5 Machine, Export the VMWare ESX5 Machine to OVF (File -> Export -> Export OVF…

remove magnify.exe

Problem You hate magnify.exe yet you are unable to delete magnify.exe Solution Take ownership of magnify.exe Move it to a new filename Celebrate i_hate_magnify.bat takeown /f “%windir%\system32\Magnify.exe” && icacls “%windir%\system32\Magnify.exe” /grant administrators:F echo “Took ownership of Magnify.exe!” move “%windir%\system32\Magnify.exe” “%windir%\system32\Magnify.exe.ihateyou”…

bat file as administrator

I wanted to be able to run a bat file as administrator in order to have an easy shortcut to edit my windows hosts file. Here’s what I found Shortcut to edit windows hosts file as Admin Creating the batch…

curl on windows with https

The easiest way to get curl on windows with HTTPS is to simply download and install the git package then add c:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin as an environment variable to allow you to run curl from anywhere. Don’t forget when running…