Category Apache

sed delete all lines after

Objective: Prep dev httpd.conf for production Tasks: Remove jenkins virtual host entry (which starts with a comment line “#Start Jenkins”) Replace .dev with nothing (ex: becomes Replace debug with error (ex: Loglevel debug becomes Loglevel error) Sed to…

rollback httpd.conf changes on error

To rollback httpd.conf changes on error use this script: #!/bin/bash #File: #Define this PATH_TO_NEW_HTTPD_CONF=”~” #Backup old httpd.conf file /bin/cp -f #Copy new httpd.conf over the existing one /bin/cp -f ${PATH_TO_NEW_HTTPD_CONF} #Test the Syntax /usr/sbin/apachectl -t if…

multiple reverse proxy host broken

Nathan Bridgewater explained how to configure multiple reverse proxies properly with apache and IIS (without losing original domain name).  I’m reposting this for myself to keep a record of this fine work. multiple reverse proxy host broken iis serving up…