Category Other

multiple reverse proxy host broken

Nathan Bridgewater explained how to configure multiple reverse proxies properly with apache and IIS (without losing original domain name).  I’m reposting this for myself to keep a record of this fine work. multiple reverse proxy host broken iis serving up…

copy teamsite user

To copy teamsite user permissions i’ve written a python script. You’ll need to replace the path with the path of your teamsite’s bin directory: #!/usr/bin/python #Script Name: #Use: . -s (source_user) -d (destination_user) #Note: the bin bath of teamsite…

setup x11 behind firewall

How do we setup x11 behind firewall ? In this case we will use a Rackspace Cloud server with Red Hat Linux and a windows box behind a corporate firewall.  I have slightly modified the Rackspace guide below (you will…

Tomcat SSL Configuration

Create Keystore file and add. pfx file 1. Create .keystore file using following command –     %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA    Default Location – C:\Documents and Settings\ 2. Add .pfx file ( Using – Portecle Tool)        …