Category MSSQL

Reset mysql root password

To reset the mysql root password follow these steps 1. Stop running mysql instances # service mysqld stop 1a. If that doesn’t work then kill all running mysql instances # pkill mysql 1. Stop running mysql instances # service mysqld…

SpiraTeam query all users and roles

I needed a script for an audit of SpiraTeam to query all users and roles. And here it is: /****** Script for SelectTopRows command from SpiraTeam ******/ SELECT TOP 1000000 [FULL_NAME] ,[PROJECT_ROLE_NAME] ,[PROJECT_NAME] ,[ACTIVE_YN] FROM [SpiraTeam].[dbo].[VW_PROJECT_USER] where ACTIVE_YN like ‘Y’…

mssql truncate all log files

Learn in MSSQL how to truncate all log files! This transact-sql statement uses the core truncation method recommended by Microsoft.mssql truncate all log files mssql truncate all log files on a MSSQL 2000, 2005 server DECLARE @db varchar(255) declare @sql…

SELECT permission denied on object ‘USERS’, database ‘qcsiteadmin_db’, owner ‘dbo’

How to resolve this error: [Mercury][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]SELECT permission denied on object ‘USERS’, database ‘qcsiteadmin_db’, owner ‘dbo’.; Stack Trace: java.sql.SQLException: [Mercury][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]SELECT permission denied on object ‘USERS’, database ‘qcsiteadmin_db’, owner ‘dbo’. at com.mercury.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.createException(Unknown Source) at com.mercury.jdbc.base.BaseExceptions.getException(Unknown Source) The reason…

truncate sql log

First off, You CANNOT REVERT this command, so be sure you want to truncate the log! THE QUERY Instructions: Just replace with your DB BACKUP LOG WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY DBCC SHRINKDATABASE( ”, TRUNCATEONLY)