Category Security

detect php backdoor

how to detect php backdoor ? (Note content is from ) Website security: How to find backdoor PHP shell scripts on a server This is supplemental information for a series of articles that begins at: Website security: what to do…

how to browse web securely

i just read a great article on how to browse the web securely with his creation of the “Secure Browsing Environment”. The author shows you how to: Spin up your own linux virtual machine instance of WattOS Set up shared…

howto use htaccess apache

howto use htaccess apache I just came across a great article that give at least a hundred htaccess examples in different situations.  It can be found here. Table of Contents General htaccess definition htaccess comments important information performance issues regex…

FTDNS example

Here is an FTDNS example (File Transfer via DNS) from Johannes B. Ullrich, Ph.D.  (): File transfer via DNS For pentesters, this is helpful as it will first of all sneak past many firewalls, and secondly you do not need…