IIS 6.0 Add Host Headers in Bulk
To add host headers in bulk (IIS 6.0) you will need these two scripts in C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts:
Additionally you will need an input csv called “c:\sites.csv” that follows this format (id, sitename must be first line):
id, sitename 1, www.test.com 2042610413, www2.two.testing.com 2042610413, www2.two.www.test.com 1, www.testing.com
Script: AppendHostHeaders.vbs
' AppendHostHeaders.vbs ' VBScript program to read a comma delimited file with a header line. ' Host headers will be added to all website identifiers listed in csv file ' If host header alredy exists no action will be taken for that line ' ' Script must be placed in C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts ' chglist.vbs must also exist in C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts ' ' Example Input file: 'id, sitename '1, www.test.com '2042610413, www2.two.testing.com '2042610413, www2.two.www.test.com '1, www.testing.com ' ' If your csv files does not live at c:\sites.csv please modify ' file to the correct path of your websites ' Option Explicit Dim adoCSVConnection, adoCSVRecordSet, strPathToTextfile Dim strCSVFile, k Dim id, sitename, commandToRun Dim objShell, returnVal ' Specify path to CSV file. strPathToTextFile = "c:\" ' Specify CSV file name. strCSVFile = "sites.csv" ''''' This function will determine if the host header already exists for a site '''' '''' usage: '''' Dim returnVal '''' returnVal = doesHostExist (1, "Host.domain.com") '''' '''' if host exists a 1 will return '''' '''' otherwise a 0 or nothing will return Function doesHostExist ( objID, objSite ) Dim commandToRun, objFSO, objTextFile, strText Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") commandToRun= "cmd /c adsutil.vbs GET W3SVC/" & objID & "/ServerBindings | find /C " & chr(34) & objSite & chr(34) & " > c:\temp\1.txt" objShell.run commandToRun, 0, true Const ForReading = 1 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile _ ("c:\temp\1.txt", ForReading) strText = objTextFile.ReadAll objTextFile.Close doesHostExist=strText End Function '''''' ' Open connection to the CSV file. 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Set adoCSVConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set adoCSVRecordSet = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") ' Open CSV file with header line. adoCSVConnection.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ "Data Source=" & strPathtoTextFile & ";" & _ "Extended Properties=""text;HDR=YES;FMT=Delimited""" adoCSVRecordset.Open "SELECT * FROM " & strCSVFile, adoCSVConnection ' Read the CSV file. Do Until adoCSVRecordset.EOF ' Display all fields by name. For k = 0 To adoCSVRecordset.Fields.Count - 1 'Wscript.Echo adoCSVRecordset.Fields(k).Name _ ' & " = " & adoCSVRecordset.Fields(k).Value If adoCSVRecordset.Fields(k).Name = "id" Then id = adoCSVRecordset.Fields(k).Value If adoCSVRecordset.Fields(k).Name = "sitename" Then sitename = adoCSVRecordset.Fields(k).Value Next returnVal = "" returnVal = doesHostExist (id, sitename) if len(sitename) > 5 then If CBool(returnVal) = false Then commandToRun= "cscript chglist.vbs W3SVC/" & id & "/ServerBindings FIRST " & chr(34) & ":80:" & sitename & chr(34) & " /INSERT /COMMIT" Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") objShell.run commandToRun, 0, true Wscript.Echo "site: " & id & " -- Added " & sitename Else Wscript.Echo "site: " & id & " -- Already Exists " & sitename End If else Wscript.Echo "sitename: " & sitename & "is too short" end if id = "" sitename = "" commandToRun = "" adoCSVRecordset.MoveNext Loop ' Clean up. adoCSVRecordset.Close adoCSVConnection.Close
Script chglist.vbs
' Allows append/insert/remove of specific elements from an IIS "List" type node ' i.e. ScriptMap, HttpError, ServerBindings ' ' Origin : http://blogs.msdn.com/David.Wang/archive/2004/12/02/273681.aspx ' Version: December 1 2004 ' Option Explicit On Error Resume Next const ERROR_SUCCESS = 0 const ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND = 3 const ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER = 87 const LIST_OP_FIRST = "FIRST" const LIST_OP_LAST = "LAST" const LIST_OPTION_REPLACE = 0 const LIST_OPTION_INSERT = 1 const LIST_OPTION_REMOVE = 2 const LIST_OPTION_ALL = 4 const LIST_OPTION_RECURSE = 8 Dim CRLF CRLF = CHR(13) & CHR(10) Dim strHelp strHelp = "Edit/Replace IIS metabase LIST properties" & CRLF &_ CRLF &_ WScript.ScriptName & " PropertyPath ExistValue NewValue [Options]" & CRLF &_ CRLF &_ "Where:" & CRLF &_ " PropertyPath IIS metabase property path whose data type is LIST." & CRLF &_ " i.e. W3SVC/ScriptMaps, W3SVC/HttpErrors" & CRLF &_ " ExistValue Value to case-insensitive literal match against existing" & CRLF &_ " LIST elements." & CRLF &_ " FIRST - matches the first LIST element." & CRLF &_ " LAST - matches the last LIST element." & CRLF &_ " NewValue New value that replaces the matched the LIST element." & CRLF &_ "Options:" & CRLF &_ " /INSERT Insert before LIST element matching ." & CRLF &_ " /REMOVE Remove LIST element matching ." & CRLF &_ " /ALL Operate on ALL matching . Default is first match." & CRLF &_ " /REGEXP Use as RegExp to match. Default is literal." & CRLF &_ " /RECURSE Recursively perform the operation underneath ." & CRLF &_ " /VERBOSE Give more status/output." & CRLF &_ " /COMMIT Actually perform changes. Default only shows." & CRLF &_ "" dim Debug Debug = true dim Verbose Verbose = false dim reMatch reMatch = false Dim strServer Dim strNamespace Dim strSchemaNamespace Dim strNodeSyntax Dim objNode Dim nOperationType Dim strNormalizedPath Dim strPropertyPath Dim strPropertyName Dim strPropertyExistValue Dim strPropertyNewValue Dim i,j ' ' Start of script ' strServer = "localhost" strNamespace = "IIS://" & strServer strSchemaNamespace = strNamespace & "/" & "Schema" ' ' Parse the commandline ' If WScript.Arguments.Count < 3 Then Err.Number = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER HandleError "Insufficient number of arguments." & CRLF &_ CRLF &_ strHelp &_ "" End If nOperationType = LIST_OPTION_REPLACE For i = 0 To WScript.Arguments.Count - 1 Select Case UCase( WScript.Arguments( i ) ) Case "/INSERT" nOperationType = nOperationType Or LIST_OPTION_INSERT Case "/REMOVE" nOperationType = nOperationType Or LIST_OPTION_REMOVE Case "/ALL" nOperationType = nOperationType Or LIST_OPTION_ALL Case "/RECURSE" nOperationType = nOperationType Or LIST_OPTION_RECURSE Case "/COMMIT" Debug = false Case "/VERBOSE" Verbose = true Case "/REGEXP" reMatch = true Case Else If ( i = 0 ) Then ' ' Split out PropertyName and its ParentPath from PropertyPath ' Err.Clear strNormalizedPath = NormalizePath( WScript.Arguments( 0 ) ) HandleError "Failed to normalize PropertyPath." j = InstrRev( strNormalizedPath, "/", -1, 0 ) If ( j = 0 Or j = 1 ) Then Err.Number = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND HandleError "Invalid PropertyPath." End If Err.Clear strPropertyPath = NormalizePath( Mid( strNormalizedPath, 1, j - 1 ) ) HandleError "Failed to retrieve/normalize PropertyPath." Err.Clear strPropertyName = NormalizePath( Mid( strNormalizedPath, j + 1 ) ) HandleError "Failed to retrieve/normalize PropertyName." ElseIf ( i = 1 ) Then ' ' The existing match value ' strPropertyExistValue = Replace( UCase( WScript.Arguments( 1 ) ), "``", """" ) ElseIf ( i = 2 ) Then ' ' The new replace value ' strPropertyNewValue = Replace( WScript.Arguments( 2 ), "``", """" ) Else Err.Number = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER HandleError "Unknown parameter " & WScript.Arguments( i ) & CRLF &_ CRLF &_ strHelp &_ "" End If End Select Next LogVerbose "OpType = " & nOperationType LogVerbose "PropertyPath = " & strPropertyPath LogVerbose "PropertyName = " & strPropertyName LogVerbose "ExistValue = " & strPropertyExistValue LogVerbose "NewValue = " & strPropertyNewValue ' ' Check the data type for the given property ' If it is not LIST, do not process any further ' Err.Clear Set objNode = GetObject( strSchemaNamespace & "/" & strPropertyName ) HandleError "Cannot read schema for property " & strPropertyName strNodeSyntax = UCase( objNode.Syntax ) LogVerbose "Syntax = " & strNodeSyntax LogVerbose "" Select Case strNodeSyntax Case "LIST" ' ' Finally, we are ready to do some real work ' Err.Clear Err.Number = HandleListOps( nOperationType, strPropertyPath, strPropertyName, strPropertyExistValue, strPropertyNewValue, ( nOperationType And LIST_OPTION_RECURSE ) <> 0 ) HandleError "" Case Else Err.Clear Err.Number = ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND HandleError "Cannot handle " & strPropertyPath & "/" & strPropertyName & " with type " & strNodeSyntax End Select ' ' End of script ' ' ' Sub routines and functions ' Sub HandleError( errorDescription ) If ( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then If ( IsEmpty( errorDescription ) ) Then LogEcho Err.Description Else LogEcho errorDescription End If WScript.Quit Err.Number End If End Sub Function NormalizePath( strInput ) ' ' Replace all \ with / ' strInput = Replace( strInput, "\", "/", 1, -1 ) ' ' Replace all // with / ' Do strInput = Replace( strInput, "//", "/", 1, -1 ) Loop While ( Instr( strInput, "//" ) <> 0 ) ' ' Removing leading and trailing / ' If ( Left( strInput, 1 ) = "/" ) Then strInput = Right( strInput, Len( strInput ) - 1 ) End If If ( Right( strInput, 1 ) = "/" ) Then strInput = Left( strInput, Len( strInput ) - 1 ) End If NormalizePath = strInput End Function Function HandleListOps( OpType, strPropertyPath, strPropertyName, strPropertyExistValue, strPropertyNewValue, bRecurse ) On Error Resume Next Dim objNode, objNodeAttribute Dim objList Dim objElement Dim objNewArray Dim PerformedOperation Dim Operation Dim re Dim reMatched Dim i, j Err.Clear Set objNode = GetObject( strNamespace & "/" & strPropertyPath ) objList = objNode.Get( strPropertyName ) If ( Err.Number <> 0 Or IsEmpty( objList ) ) Then LogEcho "Failed to retrieve " & strPropertyPath & "/" & strPropertyName HandleListOps = Err.Number Exit Function End If Err.Clear Set objNodeAttribute = objNode.GetPropertyAttribObj(strPropertyName) HandleError "Failed to retrieve Attributes for " & strPropertyPath & "/" & strPropertyName If ( objNodeAttribute.IsInherit = true ) Then LogEcho strPropertyPath & "/" & strPropertyName & " (Inherited)" If ( bRecurse = true ) Then LogEcho( "Ignoring inherited property for Recursive Modification" ) Exit Function End If Else LogEcho strPropertyPath & "/" & strPropertyName End If ' ' j is the count of elements in objNewArray ' So that we can resize it to the right size in the end ' j = 0 ' ' Size objNewArray to maximum possible size up-front, later shrink it ' Redim objNewArray( UBound( objList ) + UBound( objList ) + 1 ) ' ' PerformedOperation indicates whether something has matched and already ' operated upon, in this session. Start with 'not yet' = 0 ' PerformedOperation = 0 ' ' Setup the RegExp match based on the existing value to search for ' Set re = new RegExp re.Pattern = strPropertyExistValue re.IgnoreCase = true re.Global = true ' ' Do this test outside of IF conditional because on error resume next ' turns off failures due to incorrect Pattern ' Err.Clear reMatched = re.Test( objElement ) If ( Err.Number <> 0 Or reMatch = false ) Then reMatched = false End If LogVerbose "Original:" For i = LBound( objList ) To UBound( objList ) objElement = objList( i ) 'LogVerbose i & "(" & j & ")" & ": " & objElement If ( ( ( ( strPropertyExistValue = LIST_OP_FIRST ) And ( i = LBound( objList ) ) ) Or _ ( ( strPropertyExistValue = LIST_OP_LAST ) And ( i = UBound( objList ) ) ) Or _ ( ( reMatch = false ) And ( Instr( UCase( objElement ), strPropertyExistValue ) > 0 ) ) Or _ ( reMatched = true ) _ ) _ And _ ( ( ( OpType And LIST_OPTION_ALL ) <> 0 ) Or ( PerformedOperation = 0 ) ) _ ) Then Operation = "Replace " If ( ( OpType And LIST_OPTION_REMOVE ) <> 0 ) Then 'Don't copy this element for deletion Operation = "Remove " Else objNewArray( j ) = strPropertyNewValue j = j + 1 If ( ( OpType And LIST_OPTION_INSERT ) <> 0 ) Then Operation = "Insert " objNewArray( j ) = objElement j = j + 1 End If End If PerformedOperation = 1 Else Operation = "" objNewArray( j ) = objElement j = j + 1 End If LogVerbose Operation & objElement Next ' ' Resize the final array to the correct size prior to SetInfo ' ReDim Preserve objNewArray( j - 1 ) LogVerbose "New:" For i = LBound( objNewArray ) To UBound( objNewArray ) LogDebug i & ": " & objNewArray( i ) Next If ( Debug = false ) Then If ( PerformedOperation = 1 ) Then Err.Clear objNode.Put strPropertyName, objNewArray objNode.SetInfo HandleError "Failed to SetInfo " & strPropertyPath & "/" & strPropertyName LogEcho "SUCCESS: Updated " & strPropertyPath & "/" & strPropertyName Else LogEcho "SUCCESS: Nothing to update" End If Else If ( PerformedOperation = 1 ) Then LogEcho "DEBUG: Matched. Did not SetInfo" Else LogEcho "SUCCESS: No Match. Did not SetInfo" End If End If If ( bRecurse = true ) Then For Each objElement In objNode LogEcho "" HandleListOps = HandleListOps( OpType, NormalizePath( Mid( objElement.AdsPath, Len( strNamespace ) + 1 ) ), strPropertyName, strPropertyExistValue, strPropertyNewValue, bRecurse ) Next End If HandleListOps = 0 End Function Sub LogEcho( str ) WScript.Echo str End Sub Sub LogDebug( str ) If ( Debug = true ) Then LogEcho str End If End Sub Sub LogVerbose( str ) If ( Verbose = true ) Then LogEcho str End If End Sub
This is also possible if they offer SEO as part of their service.
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What search results will offered up with unless you possess
a website or perhaps a blog to market your business.