firefox keeps crashing fixed

If you are on Windows Vista/7 and notice Firefox 13 constantly crashing the culprit is the new “Protection Mode” (which makes flash run in a sandbox). To disable this you need to append “ProtectedMode=0” to the flash config file “mms.cfg”…

hudson svn windows auth cache fix

Example error when attempting to update the svn credentials on hudson for windows: hudson svn windows “the request doesn’t contain a multipart/form-data or multipart/mixed stream” To fix this download svnkit- to your hard disk.  Login to computer hosting hudson as…

RHCE Studyguide

Prerequisite skills for RHCT and RHCE Candidates should possess the following skills, as they may be necessary in order to fulfill requirements of the RHCT and RHCE exams: use standard command line tools (e.g., ls, cp, mv, rm, tail, cat,…

nginx php centos6 howto

Remove previous php installation # yum remove php-cli php-common Add the EPEL and REMI repos: wget wget sudo rpm -Uvh remi-release-6*.rpm epel-release-6*.rpm Install nginx prerequisites # yum install perl pcre-devel gperftools-devel geoip geoip-devel Download nginx # wget “”…

wordpress plugin pre syntax

A great plugin to use to get syntax specific pre statements is “Prettify GC Syntax Highlighter” Found here You can also change prettyprint to: prettyprint lang-YOURLANG and Replace YOURLANG with one of the following: aea agc apollo bsh c cc…


To return the distinguished name for all users in an active directory domain create a new file called getdn.bat Content: del c:\activeUsers.txt DSQUERY.exe * -limit 0 -filter “(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectClass=User)(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))” >”c:\activeUsers.txt” C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE c:\activeUsers.txt

start menu search broken

Searching from the start menu resulted in no results Searching from the start menu suddenly stopped working on one of my machines recently. Only when it stopped working did I realise how much I had started to rely upon it…