install 7zip redhat
To install 7zip on a 64 bit Redhat Server: # rpm -ivh # rpm -ivh
To install 7zip on a 64 bit Redhat Server: # rpm -ivh # rpm -ivh
To modify ip-tables directly in ubuntu First save off your current config: $ sudo -s $ iptables-save > $ iptables-save > .to.modify At this point you can modify the file. Once your are satisfied restore it # iptables-restore <…
to kill orphaned httpd processes create a script called with the following code #!/bin/bash for pid in `ps -C httpd|sed -e ‘s/^\ \+//g’ | grep httpd|awk ‘{print $1}’` do kill $pid done
Configure postfix with Gmail via Webmin This assumes the user has webmin installed and understands how to log in and use it. (Usually bring it up in a browser at https://localhost:10000 ) Make sure that postfix is installed. In Webmin this…
Someone recently passed me this link and it looks great! You can generate crontab scripts via a website. Here’s the link:
this script will reset a user’s password and email it to them. It accepts two parameters (username) (email address) Example Usage: . someuser [email protected] #!/usr/local/bin/bash if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo “Please provide a username and email address”;…
To install Apache Ant on Cent-OS follow these steps: # yum install ant # yum install xml-commons-apis You should see something like this: # ant -version Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on January 6 2007 Here is a good tutorial…
There are two config directives that controls Apache version. The ServerSignature directive adds a line containing the Apache HTTP Server server version and the ServerName to any server-generated documents, such as error messages sent back to clients. ServerSignature is set…
to move mysql on freebsd without using a dump file follow these steps: stop mysql copy /var/db/mysql to its new location chown -R mysql:mysql modify and add line mysql_dbdir=”“ modify and change mysql_dbdir=”/var/db/mysql” to the new location of…
How can you rename a mysql Schema? easy! Create the new schema In this example the new schema is called my_new_schema mysqladmin -u root -p create my_new_schema Dump the old schema and pipe in to new schema mysqldump -u root…