Mac svn finder

Here’s a tool that integrates svn in to your finder SCPlugin allows access to Subversion commands from the Mac OS X Finder   Below are some screen captures of the SCPlugin code. Click any image for a full-size version.…

Install OSSEC local on Ubuntu

  Download files wget wget Check the MD5 or SAH1 to make sure they are legit (Don’t skip!!) md5sum ossec-hids-latest.tar.gz cat ossec-hids-latest_sum.txt Extract the files from the tar tar zxvf ossec-hids-latest.tar.gz Cd into the directory and run the…

Install OSSEC WUI on Ubuntu

This is a quick tutorial on how to install the OSSEC web interface on Ubuntu (covers 8.04 and 8.10): Installing Apache root@home:/# cd /tmp root@home:/tmp# apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 # said yes to all required packages root@home:/tmp# restart Downloading…

free screen sharing collaboration

The web has finally given rise to “instant meetings” which are basically free screen sharing collaboration web based applications.   Two popular sites in this category include Mikogo and Join.Me.     They both offer additional features for a paid price.  …