howto use htaccess apache

howto use htaccess apache I just came across a great article that give at least a hundred htaccess examples in different situations.  It can be found here. Table of Contents General htaccess definition htaccess comments important information performance issues regex…

Convert djvu to pdf mac

convert djvu to pdf mac How can you convert a djvu file to a PDF?  Instructions Follow these steps: Download DjVuLibre, an open source program. Post-install open up your djvu file using DjVULibre Select “export as”: 2 Select format “PDF…

Tomcat SSL Configuration

Create Keystore file and add. pfx file 1. Create .keystore file using following command –     %JAVA_HOME%\bin\keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA    Default Location – C:\Documents and Settings\ 2. Add .pfx file ( Using – Portecle Tool)        …