Export flow logs to an Amazon S3 Bucket

I found the instructions on Amazon’s website to be useless. This is what worked for me Define some variables bucket=my-bucket region=us-east-1 log-group-name=primary-nat prefix=my-prefix taskname=my-task start-epoch=1516255200000 end-epoch=1516860000000 Create the bucket aws s3 mb s3://$bucket –region $region Create the Policy cat <<‘EOF’…

iis disable debug

In IIS to disable debug do the following. Modify the Web.config File Open the Web.config file in a text editor such as Notepad.exe. Web.config file is typically located in the application directory. Modify the compilation element and set debug=”false” <compilation…

Using lzop on Windows

I wanted a fast way to backup an AppDynamics MySQL database directory on windows. The answer was lzop. Tools GoW 0.8.0 (GNU on Windows) lzop for Windows Setup Set your Enviornment PATH After installing GoW and extracting lzop.exe set your…

Active Directory Password Expiration Date

To find out the password expiration date for an Active Directory user you must first determine your domain’s password expiration policy and then when the password was last set. Find your Domain Password Expiration Policy import-module activedirectory Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy Property MaxPasswordAge…