Ubuntu Set Timezone to UTC

Objective: Set Timezone to UTC on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Howto You will be using tzdata and ntpdate Setting the timezone After running this select “etc” (hit enter) then select “UTC” (hit enter) pkg-reconfigure tzdata Syncing the clock apt-get -y install…

Howto Convert a ESXv5 to ESXv4 VM

Howto Convert a ESXv5 to ESXv4 VM This details the steps needed to convert a machine from ESXv5 to ESXv4 Convert OVA to VMX On ESXv5 Machine, Export the VMWare ESX5 Machine to OVF (File -> Export -> Export OVF…

nohup example

here’s a nohup example: nohup nice -n -19 /bin/bash cidr_to_ipset.sh all_countries.txt 2>&1 > </dev/null & nohup is a POSIX command to ignore the HUP (hangup) signal. The HUP signal is, by convention, the way a terminal warns dependent processes of…

chkconfig with color on centos

alias chkconfig=”chkconfig | perl -pe ‘use Term::ANSIColor; s/\bon\b/color(\”green\”).on.color(\”reset\”)/ige;'” or to permit passing an agrument: function chkconfig(){ /sbin/chkconfig $* | perl -pe ‘use Term::ANSIColor; s/\bon\b/color(“green”).on.color(“reset”)/ige;’ }

nano syntax highlighting

nano syntax highlighting This article describes how to get syntax highlighting in the command line emacs editor “nano“ Ubuntu zcat > ~/.nanorc sed -i ‘s|# include|include|g’ ~/.nanorc Centos/Redhat cp ~/.nanorc sed -i ‘s|# include|include|g’ ~/.nanorc

my bash prompt

Installation Modify ~/.bashrc and append this line PS1=”\n\[\e[32;1m\][\[\e[37;1m\]\u@\h:\[\e[37;1m\]\w\[\e[32;1m\]]\\$ \[\e[0m\]” My Bash Prompt To replace yours in one command with this one sed -i ‘s~PS1.*~PS1=”\\n\\[\\e[32;1m\\][\\[\\e[37;1m\\]\\u@\\h:\\[\\e[37;1m\\]\\w\\[\\e[32;1m\\]]\\\\$ \\[\\e[0m\\]”~g’ ~/.bashrc