Objective: Prep dev httpd.conf for production
- Remove jenkins virtual host entry (which starts with a comment line “#Start Jenkins”)
- Replace .dev with nothing (ex: www.dev.example.com becomes www.example.com)
- Replace debug with error (ex: Loglevel debug becomes Loglevel error)
Sed to remove lines after match
In this example we will use sed delete all lines after the words “Start Jenkins” (from an httpd.conf file)
cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | sed -n '/Start Jenkins/q;p'
Replace “.dev” with nothing
perl -pi -e 's~dev\.~~g' /tmp/file
Replace “debug” with “error”
perl -pi -e 's~debug~error~g' /tmp/file
Put it all together
#!/bin/bash cat /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | sed -n '/Start Jenkins/q;p' > \ /tmpfile; perl -pi -e 's~dev\.~~g' \ /tmpfile; perl -pi -e 's~debug~error~g' /tmpfile