Tag Bitnami

Howto: Fix WP Super Cache Manager Cache Directory Writable Error

Receiving an error like this? WP Super Cache Manager Error: Your cache directory (C:\Program Files\BitNami WAMPStack\apps\wordpress\htdocs/wp-content/cache/) or C:\Program Files\BitNami WAMPStack\apps\wordpress\htdocs/wp-content need to be writable for this plugin to work. Double-check it. Cannot continue… fix previous problems To Fix: 1. Click…

Howto: Fix a Slow Bitnami Redmine Stack

Problem: Redmine is running super slow. Version: Bitnami Redmine Stack on Windows The Fix 1. Run MySQL System Tray Monitor (accessible from either of these methods): Start menu – MySql – MySQL System Tray Monitor “C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Tools for 5.0\MySQLSystemTrayMonitor.exe”…