Using lzop on Windows

I wanted a fast way to backup an AppDynamics MySQL database directory on windows. The answer was lzop. Tools GoW 0.8.0 (GNU on Windows) lzop for Windows Setup Set your Enviornment PATH After installing GoW and extracting lzop.exe set your…

php mysql update variable

Goal: Update wordpress post with PHP cli < ?php $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","[redacted]"); if (!$con) { echo "Unable to connect to DB: " . mysql_error(); exit; } if (!mysql_select_db("wordpress")) { echo "Unable to select mydbname: " . mysql_error(); exit; } $myfileText…

howto move mysql freebsd without dump

to move mysql on freebsd without using a dump file follow these steps: stop mysql copy /var/db/mysql to its new location chown -R mysql:mysql modify and add line mysql_dbdir=”“ modify and change mysql_dbdir=”/var/db/mysql” to the new location of…

Red Hat Linux cheat sheet commands examples RHEL

Useful Linux Commands (Red Hat) () Revised 3/1/2000 Getting information man commandname display the manual page for a particular command named commandname man -S sectionnumber commandname display the manual page under a specific section numbered sectionnumber for the command named…

Howto: Fix a Slow Bitnami Redmine Stack

Problem: Redmine is running super slow. Version: Bitnami Redmine Stack on Windows The Fix 1. Run MySQL System Tray Monitor (accessible from either of these methods): Start menu – MySql – MySQL System Tray Monitor “C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Tools for 5.0\MySQLSystemTrayMonitor.exe”…