Sublime Text 3 – Select Entire Column (Mac)
Column Selection – Sublime Text 3 Selecting an entire column of text using Sublime Text 3 on a Mac can be frustrating. Here is how to do it the easy way! Legend ⌘ – Command ⇧ – Shift ⌃ -…
Column Selection – Sublime Text 3 Selecting an entire column of text using Sublime Text 3 on a Mac can be frustrating. Here is how to do it the easy way! Legend ⌘ – Command ⇧ – Shift ⌃ -…
I’ll be reviewing how to analyze a .reg file for unique values on OSX Prerequisite dos2unix will be required brew install dos2unix Instructions In this example we will assume you have dumped all of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ in to a file named…