Tag powershell

Install Chrome using PowerShell

To install Google Chrome using Powershell (headless install) run the following command from and Administrative PowerShell Prompt: $LocalTempDir = $env:TEMP; $ChromeInstaller = “ChromeInstaller.exe”; (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(”, “$LocalTempDir\$ChromeInstaller”); & “$LocalTempDir\$ChromeInstaller” /silent /install; $Process2Monitor = “ChromeInstaller”; Do { $ProcessesFound = Get-Process | ?{$Process2Monitor…

Active Directory Password Expiration Date

To find out the password expiration date for an Active Directory user you must first determine your domain’s password expiration policy and then when the password was last set. Find your Domain Password Expiration Policy import-module activedirectory Get-ADDefaultDomainPasswordPolicy Property MaxPasswordAge…