Tag svn

Howto use command line SVN on Mac OSX

[wp_ad_camp_2] Objective Use the command line SVN client on Mac OS X Subversion was built to be used with the command line subversion client (not the bastardized GUI clients that are being sold on the market right now). As such…

Proper way to Rebuild Subversion 1.4.0_1 on FreeBSD 6.1

Here’s some info on the system: # svn –version : Shared object “libaprutil-1.so.2” not found, required by “svn” # pkg_info | grep -i apache apache-2.2.15_9 Version 2.2.x of Apache web server with prefork MPM. apr-devrandom-gdbm-db42-ldap23-mysql50- Apache Portability Library # pkg_info…