Ubuntu 20.04 Privilege Escalation
Here is a nice article on privilege escalation in Ubuntu 20.04:
Here is a nice article on privilege escalation in Ubuntu 20.04:
Learn step by step how to export and import Okta SIEM logs in to your open source Graylog! After many failed attempts to import Okta SIEM logs in to Graylog (using Okta Documentation and some PowerShell scripts I found online)…
To modify ip-tables directly in ubuntu First save off your current config: $ sudo -s $ iptables-save > $ iptables-save > .to.modify At this point you can modify the file. Once your are satisfied restore it # iptables-restore <…
Configure postfix with Gmail via Webmin This assumes the user has webmin installed and understands how to log in and use it. (Usually bring it up in a browser at https://localhost:10000 ) Make sure that postfix is installed. In Webmin this…
Scripts to manage Active Directory Users Appending a Multi-Valued Attribute Appending a Phone Number Adding a Route to the Dial-In Properties of a User Account Adding a User to Two Security Groups Appending Address Page Information for a User Account…
Useful Linux Commands (Red Hat) () Revised 3/1/2000 Getting information man commandname display the manual page for a particular command named commandname man -S sectionnumber commandname display the manual page under a specific section numbered sectionnumber for the command named…
Add Public SSH Key to Remote Server in a Single Command From HowToGeek If you want to setup SSH keys to allow logging in without a password, you can do so with a single command. The first thing you’ll need…
How do I use shutdown command? The shutdown command can be used to turn off or reboot a computer. Type the command as follows to shutdown server / computer immediately: $ sudo shutdown -h now OR $ sudo shutdown -h…
Having trouble getting x11vnc working? Here’s the error: root@qaubutu:/etc/X11/gdm# x11vnc -forever -usepw -httpdir /usr/share/vnc-java/ -httpport 5800 -auth 06/10/2010 16:28:21 *************************************** 06/10/2010 16:28:21 *** XOpenDisplay failed (:0) *** x11vnc was unable to open the X DISPLAY: “:0”, it cannot continue.…
How to find files, programs, etc using freebsd The locate command is good for finding files and directories. Enter something similar to: locate someprogram | more If that doesn’t work, perhaps try the whereis or find commands: whereis someprogram |…