Using lzop on Windows

I wanted a fast way to backup an AppDynamics MySQL database directory on windows. The answer was lzop.



Set your Enviornment PATH

After installing GoW and extracting lzop.exe set your environment PATH to include the directory where you extracted lzop.exe

Stop AppDynamics Controller and Database

If you are Windows just use the AppDynamics Windows Services for this

Backup Procedure

In this example we will backup the directory D:\AppDynamics to a file named “appd_db.tar.lzo” with the fastest lzop compression level (which is one).

tar -cf - D:\AppDynamics | lzop -1 > appd_db.tar.lzo 

Extract the lzo file

To extract the tar file from the lzop file run this command:

lzop -d appd_db.tar.lzo

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