A great place to find vmware virtual machines for freebsd, ubuntu, cent os, red hat linux (RHEL), Linux Mint, etc is over at bagside’s virtual appliance repository
here’s what they offer:
Virtual Appliance Repository.
This site is dedicated to virtual appliances that we build for you to use FREE of charge (except for Windows 7 RC which is subject to donation). The virtual appliances are generally normal installs of the distro with some changes/updates and customizations by us.
bagvapp wiki.
- bagvapps are built for use on MS Windows OS’s in general
- They also work on Linux distros (Linux host/Linux guest).
- We only test on XPSP2-3 and Vista Ultimate.
- We allocate between 384-968MB RAM for the appliance.
- This mean that you need TWICE as much of physical RAM on your machine
- Each appliance needs between 2.0-6.0GB of space on your HD
- All our appliances have the latest WMware Tools installed
- Ethernet connection is set to NAT unless specified otherwise.
- Screen resolution varies but is mostly Dynamic (default=1152×864). Drag the vm-frame to resize.
- Some settings can be edited in a normal text editor by opening the *.vmx file
- NOTE!! Appliance spec., passwords etc. are included in the compressed download as a README.txt.